Monday, May 30, 2011

A Fixed Case of the Mondays

I woke up this morning to find my cold that I thought I'd defeated had instead staked new ground in my lungs.  The longer I was awake, the worse it's grip seemed to tighten.

I managed to fight through it and have a productive first period of planning at school, but then my first class hit.  Let's just say they weren't angels today.  :)

But the day started to pick up from there.  The next class was more attentive and did a pretty nice job, and my final class of the day was excellent today. 

On my walk home I ran into more children than usual, and a high number of them said hi, which always brings a smile to my face.

I decided to workout outside today, which garnered its fair share of stares and waves.  However, in the middle of my workout three elementary school boys came over to talk to me and then join my in my workout.  Unfortunately I didn't have a camera, so you'll just have to imagine three little boys trying to do body squats, push ups, pull ups, etc. and counting in English.  It was awesome!

But the night didn't end there.  On the way home I noticed some kind of festival being set up right outside my apartment complex.  I wondered over after working out and suddenly was surrounded by another pack of enthusiastic young students curious about me and testing out their English.  Those are the moments that remind one why we're teaching here; sometimes it can be easy to forget.

I don't know exactly the reason for the Monday night celebration, but my guess, based on my pretty shoddy Korean skills, is that it was some kind of tenant appreciation event.  There was singing, prizes, all sorts of goods for sale and of course, most importantly, food.  I got a steal on some delicious mandu (dumplings), making for an easy dinner.

Right outside my door.

Prepin' some galbi.

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